Our newsletter helps patients and their families get the best possible medical care. We teach consumers how to become their own advocates for high-quality care and how to ask the right questions and get the best answers – from doctors, nurses, and other health care providers. The American medical care system can be intimidating and daunting for the average consumer, so we take on a whole range of issues important for anyone getting health care.
You can sign up to receive our newsletter here.
Here is a comprehensive index of back issues:
IN THIS ISSUE (March 2025 Newsletter)
- More costly health coverage
- Higher prices for hospitals, doctors’ care
- Big Pharma jacks up charges
- Consolidation and private equity funds boost investors but not patients
- Older, sicker patients and staffing shortfalls
IN THIS ISSUE (February 2025 Newsletter)
- A dimming of eros and the erotic
- In an anti-social era, philia falls away
- Family love (storge) feels a crunch
- In much self-care, a miss for philautia (and agape too)
- Redirecting those big love bucks
- Caring for our unpaid caregivers
IN THIS ISSUE (January 2025 Newsletter)
- Key building blocks to wellness
- Changes to help prevent cancers
- Averting heart disease
- Thoughts about thinking — and reducing its decline
- Taking a shot at vaccines
- The perils of overdoing it
IN THIS ISSUE (December 2024 Newsletter)
- Safeguarding kids is priceless
- Helping those with medical needs
- Supporting humanitarians near and far
- A great gift for us: Working with you!
- Cutting back on holiday drinking
- Rethinking costly presents for kids
IN THIS ISSUE (November 2024 Newsletter)
- Overwhelmed parents need help
- Firearms take an unacceptable toll
- Youngsters face big struggles
- An epidemic of loneliness
- A top health communicator sees issues in his own field
- A bully pulpit with a record of positive change
IN THIS ISSUE (October 2024 Newsletter)
- PFAS: Perilous ‘forever’ chemicals
- A world awash in degrading plastics
- Why ultraprocess our food?
- The kitchen gas stove is a worry too
- Getting the lead out is costly and time-consuming
- Wildfires spread smoke and other pollutants
IN THIS ISSUE (September 2024 Newsletter)
- Medical errors are a major killer
- Doctors’ silence: Understandable but wrong
- Don’t rely on hospitals to fess up
- Gagging victims, with help from victims’ lawyers
- Crooks connive to steal medical info in cyberattacks
- A dispiriting open secret
IN THIS ISSUE (August 2024 Newsletter)
- The importance of trust
- Skepticism taken to extremes
- Patients can help, by speaking up
- Big money corrodes medicine’s trustworthiness
- A chasm grows as patients get stuck with burdens of care
IN THIS ISSUE (July 2024 Newsletter)
- The stats are ugly for deadly but preventable harms
- In hospitals and nursing homes, the vulnerable suffer too many falls
- Elusive progress and solutions, and a tip for families
- Safeguarding your home
- In summer, peril rises from heat, and for youths
- Drownings spike as fewer learn to swim
IN THIS ISSUE (June 2024 Newsletter)
- More information online than ever before
- Sites and apps seek to improve the doctor hunt
- Bad doctors and hidden information
- ‘IRL’ and common sense still are huge
- Primary care docs play a vital role
- Patients feel pinch of rising MD shortfall
IN THIS ISSUE (May 2024 Newsletter)
- Putting the brakes on Big Pharma’s drive to raise drug prices
- Caps on life-saving insulin costs
- A sigh of relief on too-high inhaler costs
- New savings sinking in for the 65-plus
- Big Pharma’s dread: price negotiations with the government
- Supply chain worries abound
- Concerned about medical care? The fall election really matters
IN THIS ISSUE (April 2024 Newsletter)
- The sadly prominent problem of shoddy research
- Big forces can warp research
- How patients can safeguard themselves
- Watchdogs worth watching
- Integrity diminished by delayed fixes and failed reporting
IN THIS ISSUE (March 2024 Newsletter)
- Cost control collides with patient choice
- Shiny benefits and low or no premiums versus specialized medical treatment
- Taxpayers aren’t getting the advantage
- Prepare and plan for big choices when turning 65
- Making a switch? It can be complicated
IN THIS ISSUE (February 2024 Newsletter)
- Getting straight on risky hair products
- Eye, yai, yai, those OTC eyedrops
- Perils of purported sexual boosts
- Are gyms and spas safe spots for medical services?
- Looking for longevity in all the pricey places
IN THIS ISSUE (January 2024 Newsletter)
- Move, stretch, and lift. Repeat.
- Weight-loss meds not yet a panacea
- Staying well by staying connected
- The truth about vaccines: Get them, and make sure the kids do, too
- It takes effort, but finding a good primary care doctor pays off
IN THIS ISSUE (December 2023 Newsletter)
- For those with big needs, consider giving: Blood, food, medical debt relief
- Special gifts to safeguard loved ones from themselves
- Best holiday wishes from us all!
- For the kids, focus on safety and great memories
- Moderation makes for healthful holidays
IN THIS ISSUE (November 2023 Newsletter)
- One black doctor makes a big difference
- Figuring out the ‘Hispanic paradox’
- Smaller populations, sizable differences
- Why doctors need to listen up more
- Shorter and sicker lives have become a new norm
- Bias a problem for Big Pharma, as well as medical device and test makers
IN THIS ISSUE (October 2023 Newsletter)
- Smoke signals for better air, globally
- Calamities provide a stark reminder of why we need clean water
- A clamor rises for far less noise
- Carrying a torch for reduced night light
- Climate extremes pose big health risks
- Man-made pollutants’ latest specter: ‘forever chemicals’
IN THIS ISSUE (September 2023 Newsletter)
- In the wellness boom, woo-woo abounds
- Rigorous, reliable research is hard to find
- Parsing the medical and scientific claims
- Moderation and fundamentals matter
- Wellness goods and services can cause real damages
- Big Pharma’s hype barrage
IN THIS ISSUE (August 2023 Newsletter)
- Disturbing data on youthful users
- Vulnerabilities of the human brain
- Let’s not overlook Tech’s positive side
- Sensible steps to safeguard our kids
- Grownups, too, need online guardrails
- Medicine struggles with the digital age
- Giving it a rest: Sound sleep needs screen timeouts
IN THIS ISSUE (July 2023 Newsletter)
- Age is a big factor in heart disease
- Risks higher for black and Latino patients
- For older women, special challenges
- Common sense in prevention and care
- A change in approach could boost supply of hearts for transplant
- Surgical interventions are now common. But perils, and device issues, persist
IN THIS ISSUE (June 2023 Newsletter)
- Obesity soars, as does fat shaming
- Surgeries help advance a new option
- Do new weight-loss drugs work?
- Those hard-to-ignore negatives
- Still vital in weight control: Diet, exercise, sleep, and more
- Rx shortages are rampant, not only for diet drugs
- History gives cause for skepticism about pharma weight solutions
IN THIS ISSUE (May 2023 Newsletter)
- Medical deductions can add up
- Optimize the use of tax-saver accounts
- Savvy consumers make time for planning, preventive care, and Rx lists
- Getting your medical records is key
- Document when care goes awry
- Staying covered is a nonstop battle
- Positive changes promised on dreaded pre-authorizations
IN THIS ISSUE (April 2023 Newsletter)
- Detrimental delays in ER care
- Injurious and lethal misdiagnoses
- Even in flusher times, priority campaigns struggled to improve patient treatment
- Falls, infections, Rx errors: Unacceptable and preventable harms spiking yet again
- Violent behavior by patients and families threatens safety and quality
- What families can do to protect against medical harms
IN THIS ISSUE (March 2023 Newsletter)
- Older patients have huge reasons to learn all they can about surgeries
- Crucial information about your surgeon
- Silence isn’t golden. Ask questions!
- Follow the doctor’s advice
- Data and research can visualize risks
- More oversight needed on techniques and equipment
- Patients’ diligence a must with booming surgery centers
IN THIS ISSUE (February 2023 Newsletter)
- Abundant guns inflict a terrible toll
- Homicide: an ugly part of young lives
- For the urgent mental health needs of the young, disturbing responses
- Consumers’ ease imperils tots
- Hospitals slashing pediatric care
- Making kids’ start even rockier: Hospitals reduce obstetric care
- A notable and worrying trend: a shrinking next generation
IN THIS ISSUE (January 2023 Newsletter)
- Don’t skimp on this vital nighttime activity
- It’s not a marathon or a sprint. It’s getting up off the couch.
- New medications and diabetes care have much to say on diet and weight
- All’s well? Take care of those sensory capacities to be sure
- Trusting and following doctors’ advice
- Remedying deadly social isolation
- Vaccines keep advancing — and protecting our health
IN THIS ISSUE (December 2022 Newsletter)
- Take time to support those giving care
- Help erase scandalous medical debt
- Food insecurity poses global challenge
- How do future MDs learn all about you?
- A lifesaver must be replenished, always
- Negotiate those bills — especially if medical prices prove to be so arbitrary
- Season’s best greetings from all of us at the firm!
IN THIS ISSUE (November 2022 Newsletter)
- A brutal erosion in how long we live
- Crisis worsens with opioid abuse and overdoses
- Road deaths and injuries accelerate
- As contagions surge again, vaccines need a booster of public confidence
- An epidemic of gun violence & suicides
- Diabetes needs radical approaches
- Anti-science disinformation has become a big sickness
IN THIS ISSUE (October 2022 Newsletter)
- The U.S. racks up dismal rankings on injuries and deaths of babies and expectant moms
- Conditions that cause huge damage
- Race, economics, and other inequities play a crushing role in this health crisis
- Changes are needed at every level
- The role of the federal government in reforms
- A momentous ruling underscores disparities in support for moms, infants
- For grieving parents, staggering bills and relentless debt collectors
IN THIS ISSUE (September 2022 Newsletter)
- Stigmatization is the name for a major scourge in medical and mental health care
- Where do biases come from?
- Stigma can cause real damage
- History shows how negative views shift
- Words matter: Be educated, factual, and careful in thinking & talking about others
- U.S. medical system struggles to eradicate an array of inequities
- A battle for fairness for those disabled in body and brain
IN THIS ISSUE (August 2022 Newsletter)
- Great art can help healing, major health care institutions are finding
- Researchers tune up the data on role of music as a medical treatment
- Dance steps lively in therapeutic ways
- Drama takes a star part in well-being
- Say the word: Writing can be healthy
- Architecture and design get new focus in safety and quality of patient care
- Nature has deep roots in keeping people well
IN THIS ISSUE (July 2022 Newsletter)
- Ditch the shelf full of supplements
- Double-check your health coverage
- A primary care doctor: Beneficial to your health care and your finances
- Savvy shopping: a Rx for drug costs
- Avoid costly ER visits, if possible, especially for non-emergency care
- A shame of U.S. health care afflicts more than 100 million
- Tax-advantaged accounts can help with medical costs
IN THIS ISSUE (June 2022 Newsletter)
- Keep splashy summer fun and safe
- Enjoy sun and heat — in moderation and while watching out for the vulnerable
- With coronavirus pandemic surging, take precautions and plan trips with care
- Don’t go buggy fighting seasonal pests
- When preparing, serving, and storing food, there’s no season to relax on safety
- Joyful movement: Workouts, hiking, biking, swimming, and more
- Don’t let DIY home projects turn into treks to the ER
IN THIS ISSUE (May 2022 Newsletter)
- Many of us put doctors on a pedestal and think they cannot err. That’s wrong.
- Patients cannot rely on doctors or hospitals to police professional ranks
- State boards have grown ever more ineffectual in overseeing doctors
- Problem doctors don’t stop, they move
- Once doctors are licensed, some put patients at risk with medical ‘drift’
- Looking for great doctors? Put them under a microscope to ensure they have right stuff
- Ignore the lawyer-bashing propaganda. Malpractice lawsuits help protect patients
IN THIS ISSUE (April 2022 Newsletter)
- Many of us put doctors on a pedestal and think they cannot err. That’s wrong.
- Patients cannot rely on doctors or hospitals to police professional ranks
- State boards have grown ever more ineffectual in overseeing doctors
- Problem doctors don’t stop, they move
- Once doctors are licensed, some put patients at risk with medical ‘drift’
- Looking for great doctors? Put them under a microscope to ensure they have right stuff
- Ignore the lawyer-bashing propaganda. Malpractice lawsuits help protect patients
IN THIS ISSUE (March 2022 Newsletter)
- A cancer ‘moonshot’ is good, but let’s look first at progress to date.
- Screenings can help and harm
- For patients, daunting struggles with complexity and uncertainty in care
- Skyrocketing costs of cancer care have a name: ‘financial toxicity’
- As survival increases, new insights emerge on patients’ long-term health
- Prevention is simply the optimal way to go
- Watch out for these key warning signs
IN THIS ISSUE (February 2022 Newsletter)
- For the sexually active, risks spike in spread of antibiotic-resistant infections
- Progress occurring with once-deadly viral infections
- Sex now detached from baby making
- Boomers push bounds of later-life sex
- U.S. sexual mores see major shifts
- Doctors and patients can really improve their talks about sex
- Good sex can have health benefits — and vice-versa
IN THIS ISSUE (January 2022 Newsletter)
- Sedenatary habits harm your health. Get moving, and fitness will follow.
- Healthful eating isn’t about no-nos, speedy diets, or just losing pounds.
- The brain and body require good sleep.
- Resilience is key, now more than ever.
- Strong relationships bolster health.
- Health and wellness advice is full of woo-woo. Avoid it.
- Change is hard, and patience is a virtue worth cultivating.
IN THIS ISSUE (December 2021 Newsletter)
- Blood donors are always in big demand — for good reason
- Small gifts can be huge in wiping out the plague of medical debt
- Better ways to deal with leftover Rx pills
- The eyes (and ears) have it when useful, unused gear stacks up
- For those who need assists, donated durable goods are a boon
- Don’t give away your hard-earned pay this way
- In time of giving, thanks, too!
IN THIS ISSUE (November 2021 Newsletter)
- Getting rid of ‘surprise’ medical bills
- ACA hits record highs in coverage
- A landmark time for vaccine successes
- Health careers popular among young
- Less harsh, more tailored treatments for cancer
- Don’t let holidays unravel your hard work to be healthy
- Gifts need not be so freighted
IN THIS ISSUE (October 2021 Newsletter)
- With many options to help smokers quit, why the zeal for e-cigarettes?
- Big Tobacco is addicting a new generation
- FDA likely to face relentless battles over nicotine, vaping, and smoking
- If injurious behaviors can’t be stopped, can they be reduced or mitigated?
- Experts love the ‘gateway’ label, but it isn’t always helpful
IN THIS ISSUE (September 2021 Newsletter)
- Expect the unexpected in medicine
- ‘Medical reverses’ occur often, and that’s good
- Pandemic may be proving why evidence-based medicine matters more than ever
- ‘Off-label’ prescribing gives doctors leeway, for good and bad
- Surgeons can be lionized for pushing bounds. But not always.
IN THIS ISSUE (August 2021 Newsletter)
- Climate change is real. Its most obvious health peril: extreme weather that can kill
- Be ready, heed authorities, act sensibly
- Environmental shifts may damage humanity’s well-being in many ways, experts say
- Pests and plagues are falling prey to climate shifts, too
- In nation’s capital, unsnarling traffic could be breath of fresh of air
IN THIS ISSUE (July 2021 Newsletter)
- Here’s how to protect your brain health now
- Be wise about the limits of existing research
- Here’s why a new Alzheimer’s drug has created such anger and confusion
- The long-term care crisis can’t be ignored
- With cognitive conditions, diagnosis is not always easy
- End the silence over terrible, costly burdens borne by caregivers
IN THIS ISSUE (June 2021 Newsletter)
- Telemedicine offers convenience and access. But it has big tradeoffs, too
- Calls and video conferencing have limits
- Patients have ways to push back if doctors short-shrift their care
- Isn’t it past time to reduce screen time for kids and grownups?
- Healing touch is still key, prominent doctors say
IN THIS ISSUE (May 2021 Newsletter)
- Home medical tests and health monitors are trendy now. How useful are they?
- As the saying goes: Let the buyer beware
- Shaking up hidebound medicine could be a plus. But will key safeguards also stay?
- A big boost is overdue for home health care
- A few dollars can really go far for home safety
IN THIS ISSUE (Aptil 2021 Newsletter)
- As patients return to regular care, can they avoid medicine’s costly excesses?
- Checklists of symptoms to watch for and act on
- From pandemic’s adversity, opportunity
- It’s unwise to defer care for kids, the chronically ill, and the sexually active
- Medicine’s unexpected push for technology and innovation
IN THIS ISSUE (March 2021 Newsletter)
As patients struggle with unreal prices, health reformers zero in on hospitals
Smart ways to negotiate a bill down
With public outcry rising on health costs, governments and employers are stepping in
Congress OKs end-of-year twist by banning most ‘surprise’ medical bills
Hospitals, slapping on liens, profiteer on wreck victims
IN THIS ISSUE (February 2021 Newsletter)
As the new administration settles in, differences will be stark on health care
Why’s this doc smiling? Science is back …
Biden will reverse predecessor’s policies and set new priorities in health care
Improving U.S. health: an expansive view
Data will be in high demand
What’s the future for departing officials?
IN THIS ISSUE (January 2021 Newsletter)
Our annual review of simple stuff to win better health.
Everyone got a viral warning: Getting and staying healthy will be crucial in 2021
Fitness isn’t a stretch. Small steps count.
Say goodbye to quarantinis and junk food
Chronic illnesses can beat patients down. Healther living can help them battle back.
Patients need other shots, not just the covid vaccine
So much went down in terrible ’20, it needs its own index
IN THIS ISSUE (December 2020 Newsletter)
Simple steps to strengthen resilience in these tough pandemic times
- When the going gets tough, the resilient get going — and studies help explain how
- For seniors and kids, distinct challenges
- Boosting the capacity to bounce back
- Tidings of joy, in comforting and caring for others and finding a higher purpose
- It happened before: Good times can follow the bad
- With the needs great, contributions have been, too
IN THIS ISSUE (November 2020 Newsletter)
Stakes could not be higher for Americans as politicians rip at U.S. health agencies
Medical science undercut in plain view
Leadership and resources lacking
If just saying, ‘Yes, sir,’ doesn’t work, what might save agencies’ credibility?
Strange targets: scientists, doctors, nurses, caregivers
FDA had plentiful issues already
IN THIS ISSUE (October 2020 Newsletter)
The world sees a sickly U.S. health system, wobbling in pandemic and a divisive election
- Costly U.S. health system shows many symptoms of being globe’s ‘sick man’
- Americans pay more for poorer outcomes
- With pandemic and partisan politics raging, health needs are a great unifer
- Now, about that October vaccine ‘bombshell’
- Medical debt really is sickening
IN THIS ISSUE (September 2020 Newsletter)
- In a quest for safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine, researchers turn to novel approaches and ‘warp speed’
- Rigorous clinical trials will be crucial
- Billions may need this shot. How will they get it? And will they line up to take it?
- As pandemic rages, experts also must battle ‘infodemic’
- Speed hasn’t been a major part of the history of vaccines
Covid-19 and nursing homes: Should families sue?
IN THIS ISSUE (August 2020 Newsletter)
For distraught families, building a legal case on nursing home harms from Covid-19
Getting information from many sources
Owners and operators can’t hide from long records of big problems
Lessons learned? Race, staffing, and focus matter
As facilities re-open, a big chance for re-engagement by families and friends
For African Americans, relentless health inequities require urgent redress
For African Americans, a viral reminder of racism’s health harms
Black lives slammed by many inequities
Overcoming a grim history far too slowly
A key part of the medical Rx: More black MDs and RNs
Pioneers not only broke barriers, they also advanced the practice of medicine
Taming the cognitive biases that mess with our decision-making
Cognitive biases vex us all. But to cope with a pandemic, we need clear thinking.
Two thought systems, many headaches
We can get big benefits from battling mental illusions and built-in biases
A dive into shark tales reveals much about our shaky assessment of risk
Will Covid-19 pandemic throw rigorous science into pandemonium?
Race for Covid-19 therapies puts at risk scientific method for learning what works
Sound treatments? Stringent tests matter
History can be a painful teacher
We’re all struggling with a raging ‘infodemic’
Front-line care will be key in winning fight against virus
Protecting hearts, minds and souls in a time of pandemic
Pandemic takes psychological toll on a nation already anxious, stressed, lonely
How to rein in obsessive-compulsive behavior
Human relationships: A key to resilience
PTSD a heightened risk for those hit with high demands
Special edition: Practical tips from a virus expert on how to protect yourself from Covid-19
Reduce the spread of Covid-19 with these simple practices
A shopping list for sanitation supplies
Controversy abounds over medical gear buying
What are viruses, anyway, and why should we care?
Viruses: Planet plagued for eons by parasitic particles’ relentless replication
History chronicles toll of a ruthless killer
Medical science knows a lot about preventing viral infections, but treatment lags
A lesson in numbers, and why you need to understand how they work
Deaths from lung cancer are down, but big reasons persist to breathe uneasy about respiratory health
Lung cancer deaths are down. But respiratory ills plague millions still.
Hard-to-control harms keep worsening
Individuals can take steps to safeguard healthy breathing
Unmasking an unhappy trend with a wearable accessory
A top-ranking that neither Baltimore, nor nation’s capital wants to retain
A new year and new decade come into 20-20 focus: Resolve to eat better and move more.
For a healthier new year, don’t be cowed by nutrition and exercise controversies
Weighing risks and benefits gets complicated
Eat less — and with intention. Move more. Careful with the intoxicants.
While politics may roar in 2020, keep the anxiety in check
Be sure your day ends with good sleep and sweet dreams
CBD: a cannabis extract creates almost confusion by design
Much more study is needed. But what is known now gives mixed verdict on pot
For users young and older, vulnerabilities
Concerns are rising over expectant moms’ pot use
Hallucinogens reconsidered, too
Beware: Quest for beauty can come at too high a cost
Patients can pay hefty price for pursuing ‘better’ appearance
Dig in and learn all you can about doctors, nurses, care facilities
Beauty may be fleeting. But patients want their health to be strong, long lasting
Cosmetics can pose risks, too
Thinking about traveling to a foreign country for cosmetic treatment? Read this first.
Let’s praise medical malpractice lawsuits
The zombie theory of “defensive medicine” just won’t die
With malpractice cases, foes exaggerate number, severity, judgments awarded
When politicians’ ‘reforms’ fail patients
Lawsuits make institutions accountable and help improve medical care
Celebrities savaged by medical errors, too
Military personnel barred from claims of medical harm
All about vaccines: What you and your family need and why
Record-setting measles outbreaks show risks of skipping key shots
Diseases come with consequences. And they’re very often shared. Widely.
New ways to reach consensus and safeguard our collective health?
Vaccines can vary in their effectiveness
Shots aren’t risk-free, and Uncle Sam has special ways to compensate for their rare harms
Coping with crushing medical bills
The mess with medical bills grows by the day
With price elasticity, why not negotiate?
For patients, insurer ‘narrow networks’ expand medical billing nightmares
Patience and persistence can pay off
Hospital price lists public but confusing
Can savings plans ease that bill shock?
Some insights into eyesight, and how to take care of our aging eyes
Why are glasses so darned expensive?
‘Lasik’ corrective surgeries aren’t risk free
Cautions for seniors on care for cataracts
Avoid infections and injuries
Light is needed for sight, but can cause its own issues
Counting the many ways women are mistreated by the medical system
As doctors ‘innovate,’ women suffer injuries from medical mistreatment
Medical and social advances occur slowly — and at significant cost
A healthier outlook for women’s care?
Maternal health crisis: A shame of U.S. system
A big sign of changes ahead
A grown-up discussion about sexuality for Valentine’s Day
Less sex, more infections
What goes on outside bedrooms makes a big difference in what happens, or doesn’t, inside
A Valentine’s wish for more support, love, and acceptance. Healthy sex, too.
Fear of sex, plus a lack of facts: A terrible mix
Local resources available for testing, counsel about STDs
Getting fitter and healthier: It’s not all drudgery
Troubling health metrics? Tailor these steps on diet and exercise to work for you
People and purpose: Key elements in health, too
In minding health p’s & q’s, don’t neglect those zzzz’s
Vaping soars as health risk for the young
Helping couples with fertility problems carries costs and controversies that can’t be ignored
A scientific breakthrough became a common treatment in just a blink
State of ART: Questions and controversies rise, with need for more oversight
Ethical breaches at fertility care’s frontiers
Where are the babies?
A few sound methods can protect you from rising tide of published medical bunk
Do we smell a rat? Not all published medical studies can pass sniff tests.
A solid Rx: Use lots of skepticism about role of $$$ in medical research
Figuring out those numbers in studies
Worse than bad science? None at all …
What you need to know right now about your health insurance coverage
With health insurance, ‘skinny’ isn’t good
High stress with high deductibles
Problem-solving is never easy
Medicaid: Millions got covered. And millions didn’t.
For seniors, due diligence can be key with Medicare
What the new research on alcohol really means
Intoxication factors big in rising road toll
Liquor can be hard on waistline and liver
Excessive drinking is a growing problem
Drunken online shopping: a costly new trend
Booze and sex may be even more risky as STD cases soar
Be wary of getting buffaloed into one of these medical herds
The controversy over new blood pressure guidelines
“Pre-diabetes” A useful label or not?
Are those aches of age, or are twice as many Americans really arthritic?
Maybe you don’t belong in this roundup?
U.S. health care: more bucks, less bang
One herd that’s good: Herd immunity
Dispelling the silence and shame around suicide
Real facts about suicide too often are shrouded by destructive myths
The eternal question: What makes life worth living?
A key first step: Spotting someone at risk
Soothing survivors by just being there
The lessons for the rest of us from physician suicides
Helpful resources abound
Summer-proofing your kids from the year’s ‘100 deadliest days’
Fun months can carry big risks
Easing road risks for mobile youngsters
Keeping kids safe around water
A primer on sun, heat and biting bugs
Some constructive responses when kids say ‘I’m bored’
Put food hygiene on menu for a healthier summer
To avoid medical bill shock, plan and prepare, just in case
The rising toll of hepatitis, and what each of us can do to protect ourselves and our families
U.S. struggling with spikes in liver-harming hepatitis A, B, and C infections
Hepatitis infections exact major harms on both health and finances
Practical ways each of us can help prevent hepatitis
A few words about alcohol
Transplant policies and practices change with times
Partnering with your doctors to keep your care up to date
For your health’s sake, don’t let your doctor turn into a medical fossil
When medicine advances, but your doctor lags
How patients can be informed, prepared partners in health care
A little gray can be OK
And what to do for shy patients
The opioid epidemic: How we got in, how we can get out
Opioid prescription drugs are killing tens of thousands
Big Pharma and doctors got this epidemic started
There’s a challenging path forward to end this lethal public health scourge
An epidemic of loneliness threatens not only our happiness but also our health
Big and small responses may reverse harms of social isolation and alienation
Valentine splurges can be hard on waist and wallet
Americans’ sex lives: Full of contradictions
Some small steps for healthier living in 2018
Facts to motivate change
Eat food. Not too much. Think less salt, sugar, and red meat. Try more fish & nuts.
Take a big step for health: Get moving!
To curb stress and anxiety, try the “off” button.
Adults need vaccinations, too
How to save a fast $100
For the holidays, consider the best gift ever
The need is great, the supply is poor: Organ donation is easy but few sign up
When life-and-death decisions get made, controversies follow
Can porcine pals, stem cells provide new organ sources?
Key rights and valuables
Anxiety disorders: pervasive but treatable
Kids’ anxiety gives grownups cause to wring their hands
Easing anxiety on two levels
Sleep and exercise: key ways to keep anxiety in check
Are media, social media and e-devices making us fret too much?
Disasters prove that now is the time to research good nursing home care
Need for nursing care may arise suddenly
Research, visit, consult. Repeat. And take all the time you can.
Make a decision, then make sure to stay engaged.
Care giving at home: It’s a tough option
Get these documents in order
Deflating the hype and exposing the risks of stem-cell treatments
Big bills and big harms in therapeutic ‘Wild, Wild West
Regenerative medicine holds great promise still. But not yet.
Why skepticism is smart
A caution on the placebo effect
Stop following celebrity trends
Medical testing can be harmful to your health
Excess medical screens: big risks, big costs
Will ‘DTC’ tests really make us healthier?
Skeptical patient-consumers will be key to reversing over-screening
An annual exam? Maybe not.
A helpful number to assess medical tests & treatments
What you need to know before having a knee or hip replaced
Cautions on the path to joint replacement
‘Routine’ surgeries can and do go wrong. Hospital and rehab stays also can go awry.
Safeguards that matter
Protect your joints from undue harm
The woes of arthritis
Medicine’s dirty secret: Tens of thousands die of preventable error
Medical care comes with great risks
M.D.s, hospitals slow to disclose errors
Cleaning up an ‘epidemic’ of harms
Resources on patient safety
Time to rethink hospital care?
Spring cleaning your medications can safeguard your health & save money
Break out of the prescription drug frenzy
Reconsider whether you need OTC drugs, vitamins, supplements
Paring your daily pill intake
Keeping the kids safe with many drugs around
Don’t dispose meds so they poison the environment
Our vehicles are killing us – and we can do a lot to stop it
Distractions taking a deadly road toll
Drunk, drugged, and sleepy: impaired motorists pose huge vehicular risks
We curbed the carnage before, and we can commit to doing it again
Pedestrians and bikers, beware
Taxi, bus, train drivers can be distracted, too
Diabetes: The new and the tried-and-true for coping
It’s 2017: Don’t we know tons about controlling this too-familiar disease?
Managing a chronic condition with less Big Pharma meddling
A disease with disparities
There’s good news, too, in treatment of diabetes
Why caregivers deserve a special Valentine
The silent crisis in health: caregiving
Taking better care of our caregivers
High-tech holds caregiving promise
In exurbia, even greater woes
In 2017, ditch the drama: Get healthier with common sense and moderation
Don’t go diet crazy. Eat healthfully
Get up and move to boost well-being
These vices aren’t nice for your 2017 health
Give a boost to your well-being in these ways
Give a lasting holiday gift of health: Volunteer for a medical research study
Clinical trials can benefit volunteers
Risks? Informed consent is critical
How do I sign up?
Improving a key component
of modern health care
Has Big Sugar become a public health menace?
Evidence grows of sugar’s harms
Have Big Sugar, Big Soda taken a page from Big Tobacco’s ugly playbook?
The battle against harmful sugar
Sugars differ; does this affect health?
Are we better off with artificial sweeteners?
App-solutely not: beware of hype in smart phone health apps
For the record, health apps can be useful
Digital diagnoses? Professionals still matter
Guard your health data by
protecting apps, devices
MDs, nurses tap apps, too
The cancer quandary: improving outcomes as costs explode
The rising price tag for cancer care
Billionaires as cancer philanthropists
Hope, support, and survivorship
Resources on cancer finances
Why you need a med buddy
Coping with calamitous news reports
Tumultuous times can take a health toll
The grownup Rx for horrible headlines
Help kids put crises in context
Control what you can: make a disaster plan
Why ‘resilience’ matters
Lose the guilt. Take the vacation. It’s good for you.
Show this to your boss: Summer vacations really are good for you
Nurturing your mind on vacation
Be sun-smart, heat-healthy
Stay water wise
More Drivers Testing Positive for Marijuana, But …
Marijuana and Driving
OK, So What’s “Under the Influence”?
What’s Next?
Listen up to Protect Your Hearing
Dealing with tots’ ear infections
Turn down the sound, turn up the healthy lifestyle
Sound ways for seniors to stay tuned in
On balance, the ears matter
Why do people jam sticks in their ears?
How to be a smart consumer of health news
The Skeptic’s Approach
Digging Deeper
Credible Voices
Challenges to reproductive health
Healthy enough for sex
HIV-AIDS: a scourge persists
Healthier (and happier) eating in 2016
Simpler, common sense eating
Clean and easy
A sprinkling of science for tastier home cooking
For the holidays, share a great gift for health: Quality time for friends and loved ones
Families, kids feel the sting of shortfalls in parents’ time
Timely support, especially for caregiving
Finding time for friends, ourselves
A burning health zombie: Why do we smoke still, and now vape?
Still Deadly After All These Years
How We Can Help Our Teens
Resolved: Quit Smoking
The Older, Sometimes Better Brain (Part Two)
What’s Bad for Your Brain
And the Good News Is…
Coping Strategies
The Older, Sometimes Better Brain
Cognition: What’s Happening Here?
Intellectual Engagement
The Non-Exerciser’s Guide to the Why, How and What of Better Health
Good for the Body, Good for the Brain
Know the Rules, Then Apply Them
Cardio Exercise
Strength Exercise
Just Go Out and Play
Getting Started
Is a Fitbit For You?
You Can Eat This… But Why Would You?
Exposing Bad Food Advice, and Looking at What’s Good For You
Not as Advertised
Junk in, Junk (or worse) Out
To Feel Well, Eat Well
Looking Ahead: Preparing for Long- Term Care
The High Cost of Care
Make Planning a Priority
Shopping for Long Term Care
Buyer Beware
Managing Chronic Pain: It’s Complicated
A Cautionary Tale
Takes One to Know One
Treatment With Drugs
Treatment With Exercise
Treatment with Modalities
Treatment With Injections
Quality Control for Pain Relief Can Save Lives
Secure Health Records: A Matter of Privacy and Safety
What’s at Risk
Who’s Peeking Into your File
Quality Control is Lacking
How to Protect your Health Information
Aging and Accidents
Heading for a Fall
Prevent Falls by Minding Your Meds
Prevent Falls by Exercising
Prevent Falls by Smart Home Design
Prevent Falls by Eating Well
A Sense of Control
When the Doctor Doesn’t Know What’s Wrong
There’s Science, and There’s Bias
How Doctors Think
Bending the Bias Your Way
Getting the Doctor on Your Side
Doctor, Heal Thyself
Eight Ways to Better Health
How to Choose the Right Toys
How to Make the Most of Turning 65
Plan Early for End of Life
Advance Planning
Medicine Is Not Magic
Medicine as Part of the Problem
Design Your Plan of Action
The Four Big Questions
Becoming a Smarter Buyer of Prescription Drugs
Understanding Your Medicine
Getting the Right Generic Drug
Shortages Are Common, and Expensive
Insurance Coverage Issues
Best Tips for Cutting Drug Costs
When Your Health Insurer Denies a Claim, Do You Have to Roll Over?
One Consumer’s Story
Why Were You Denied?
Preparing for a Successful Appeal
Getting Help
Persistent Consumer Wins Big
Young Athletes and Hot Weather: Reducing the Risks of Playing Sports
Stopped Heart
Heat Stroke
How to Chill the Risks of Hot Weather
New Ways to Find the Best Doctor
New Ways to Track Treatment Patterns
Tapping Your Own Network
Casting a Wider Net
The Path to Health and Happiness
Saturated Fat: The Good, the Bad and the In-Between
Three Kind of Dietary Fat
The New Study About Saturated Fat
Figuring Out Your Fat Formula
The Mystery of Sleep
Yes, You Need to Sleep
Why We Don’t Sleep Enough
How to Have Sweet Dreams
The Weighty Facts
The Procedure
Side Effects and Risks
Homework You Need to Do
Surgery Is Only the First Step
Recent Health Care News You Should Know About
How to Prevent Injury and Stay Out of the Emergency Room
An Ounce of Prevention
Dos and Don’ts of Emergency Care
Safety First, Safety Last
Recent Health Care News You Should Know About
You Can Do This Now: Simple Steps to More Healthful Living in 2014
A Short List of Essential Tips to Better Health
Olive Oil and Nuts Daily
The Mediterranean Diet
Strength Training, Why and How
Wash Your Hands
An Ally and Companion at Every Health Care Encounter
Should a Statin Drug Be in Your Medicine Cabinet?
Who Takes Statins and Why
Evidence Tells the Truth
The Risk Calculator
Statin Side Effects
What Should You Do?
The More Weight-Loss Treatments Change, the More They Stay the Same
The Size of the Problem
Searching for No-Fat Mr. Goodbar
A Prescription for Doctors
A Prescription for Patients
Suicide: Hard Facts, Eternal Mysteries
Risk Factors and Warning Signs
How to Help
Protective Measures
Helping Survivors
Back Pain: Good and Bad Paths to Relief
The Facts About Drug Therapy
Spinal Injections Don’t Measure Up
Surgery as a Last Resort
Watchful Waiting Can Be Your Friend
The Dicey Connection between Hospital Ratings and Superior Patient Care
Everyone Has an Agenda
How Executive Pay Skews Some Ratings
Navigating Through Medical Treatment Conflicts of Interest
Is There a Problem? Let Us Count the Ways
A Growing Awareness
Getting Objective Information
What Women (and Men) Need to Know about the BRCA Test for Cancer Risk
Who Needs to Worry and Why
What BRCA Is, and How Testing Is Done
Targeted Testing Is Most Accurate
When Hospital Errors Follow You home
What Survivors of Patient Harm Can Expect
How a Hospital Error Hurts the Emotion Healing Process
Postscript from Patrick Malone: Learn More About Your Rights and How to Reduce the Harms of Medical Errors
The Truth Will Out: Gaps in the Science of Nontraditional Medicine
A Prescient Warning about the Shortage of Critical Thinking
Science is the Tortoise…
… Alternative Medicine is the Hare
When Nontraditional Medicine Does Not Put Safety First
Conventional and Alternative Medicine: A Delicate Co-Existence
Defining the Terms and Surveying the Field of Nontraditional Medicine
Why People Turn to CAM
Does This Stuff Ever Work?
Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers
What Is a Nurse Practitioner?
An Expanding Role
Considering Cost
With Change Comes Resistance
Focus on the Patient
Deep Thoughts for the New Year: Ethical Quandaries of Medical Advances
Six Troubling Issues in Medical Technical Advances
Traveling for Major Medical Care at Someone Else’s Expense: Is This the Future?
How the Medical Vacation Came to Be
Who Pays?
Not Everyone Qualifies
How to Be a Smart Surgical Traveler
Why Reading Your Medical Records Can Improve Your Health
Following the Plan
Too Much Information? Not to Worry
How to Obtain and Understand Your Medical Records
Learning Your Own DNA Sequence: The Promise and Peril of Genetic Testing
So What Exactly Is DNA?
What DNA Testing Is Currently Possible
The Pharmacogenomic Promise
The TMI Problem with DNA Testing
The Bottom Line: Advice for Sensible DNA Testing
You Can Go Home Again (from the Hospital), but There’s a Lot You Need to Know First
Essential Questions to Ask to Know if You’re Ready to Go Home
Make Sure You Get Results of Late Tests
Key Things to Watch Out for Once You’re Home
What if You Want Out Now, and Caregivers Disagree?
Eat, Drink and Be Wary: The Truth about Diet Supplements and Sports Drinks
Diet Supplements: Not a Fruit, Not a Vegetable, Not Worth Taking
Sports Drinks: Many Claims, Little Evidence of Benefit
Better Habits Beat Supplements in the Goal of Improving Health
What’s Wrong with the Pregnancy Health Care Assembly Line
Ten Overused Baby Delivery Technologies
How to Improve Your Odds of a Safe, Natural Childbirth
How Good is Health Care Delivered in Retail Stores?
Why We Need Retail Clinics
The Cost Advantage of Knowing the Price Up Front
Coordinating Care: The Key Quality Issue
Making the Most of Retail Health Care
The Unknowable Cost of Medical Care
The Costs of Care Then Versus Now
How Hard It Is to Get Basic Cost Numbers
What You Can Do to Check Out Costs
A Healthy Heart: Unlocking the Key to Long Life
A Maintenance Plan for the Heart
Heart Risk Factors You May Not Know
Revisiting Cancer Screening — the Colonoscopy Conundrum
Colonoscopy Saves Lives but Only If You Get One
Another Reasonable Option for Colon Cancer Screening
When a Leader Becomes a Follower: Health Care Lessons from a Symphony Conductor
The Importance of Being There
A Cancer Journey’s Lessons for the Rest of Us
New Year’s Tuneup: A Health Care Newsletter
Vaccines: Life-Long Preventive Care
Screening and Prevention Tests that Work
Saying No to Your Doctor: Sometimes Wrong but Always Right
Refusing Health Care Is OK, as Long as You Have the Facts
Sorting Your Options for Colon Cancer Screening
The Second Opinion: Trust but Verify
Why We Hesitate to Get a Second Opinion
Seven Ways Second Opinions Improve Our Health Care
Making the Second Opinion More Productive
The One Medical Statistic You Need to Know
“Number Needed to Treat:” The Simple Way to Understand What Works
How to Find the Number Needed to Treat for Just About Any Condition
Some Eye-Popping NNT Numbers for Breast Cancer Screening
Those TV New Doctors: Good Advisors or Fear Mongerers?
TV Doctors Pump Calcium Heart Screening Test, but Leave Out the Other Side
Following the Money Trail When TV Doctors Push the C-Reactive Protein Test
What Neutral Experts Say about the New Heart Screening Tests, and Some Simple Advice for You
Helping Your Doctor Make the Right Diagnosis
How Bringing an Ally to the Doctor’s Office Can Help You Get Better Care
Switching Doctors When You Need to
More Reading on Getting the Right Diagnosis
Finding the Right Hospital for You
The Volume Rule – and an Important Refinement
Two Appeals Court Decisions Worth Knowing About: Report from the Malpractice Trenches
Rules of Thumb for Better Health Care: When Instinct Can Guide You in the Right Direction
Rule One: Avoid Superior Doctors
A Rule of Thumb for Scheduling Surgery
Open House This Week at Our New Office
Talking to Your Doctor When You Can’t Speak
Some Eye-Opening Numbers about Your Odds of Landing in an ICU
The Health Care Power of Attorney
The Living Will — and Some Questions to Think About
When a Conversation Can Save a Life
A quick introduction to “informed consent”
Talking to Your Surgeon: What You Need to Ask
Myth versus Reality in Medical Decision-Making
Essential Tips for Doing Your Own Health Care Research
WebMD: Another Hype Alert
Top Sources for Reliable Health Care Information on the Internet
One Click to a Healthy Diet
Separating Fact from Hype in Health Care Advice
A quick reality check: Reviewing medical journalism and rating its accuracy
Overrated Medications: A Family Doctor Speaks Out
Look for this “Miranda Warning” on so-called health products
Protecting a Loved One in the Hospital
Step One: Have Someone in the Hospital Room at All Times
Two potentially deadly but preventable harms: Falls and bed sores
Next newsletter: More Preventable harms: Wrong medicine, infections, blood clots.
The Joys of Being a Health Care Skeptic (One of a Series)
Medical Research: A Play in Five Acts
The True Numbers for Breast Cancer
A Chart of Death Trends
Most Research Findings Are Wrong
Your First Step to the Best Medical Care (One of a Series)
Why Getting & Reading Your Medical Records Can Save a Life
Resources for Getting Your Records
Cracking the Code: Here’s How
Two Questions You Must Ask to Get a Competent Colon Cancer Screening Test
How Often Do Patients Get an Inadequate Colonoscopy?
The Shingles Vaccine: A Small Hassle Now to Prevent Much Misery Later
What Every Adult American Needs: A Simple List of Preventive Medical Care that Works
Not on the List: The Executive Physical or Expensive Scans
Simple Is Best for Most Back Surgeries
Many Unneeded Heart Stents
A Postscript: People Like Us
Understanding Numbers in Medicine: Easier than You Might Think, and More Important Too
Count the Patients If You Want to Know the Real Scoop
How to Read Numbers: The Tamoxifen story
A New Approach: The “Drug Facts” Box
How do You Find the Best, Safest Hospital?
How to look for the Right Hospital
Check Out What Other Patients Have Said on the Medicare Website
More Resources
The Dilemma of Modern Medical Care: More is Not Always Better
Lessons from Heart Attack
Removal of a Healthy Breast
Cancer Screening
Experience Counts: What you need to know before choosing a surgeon
Practice Makes Perfect: Essential Knowledge for Anyone Facing Surgery or Any Medical Procedure
Finding the Answers on Your Surgeon’s Experience
Your Legal Right to Know Your Surgeon’s Experience
A New Start for 2010: Becoming a Smarter Consumer of Health Care
Conflicts of Interest: Why Should Patients Care?
The First Step: It Gets Easier